Renze Jelle

Rating: 3.1/5 (2654 votes)

1 1 club11+ HCP 3+ card clubs
1 1 diamonds11-19 3+ card diamonds
1 1 heart11+ 5+ card hearts
1 1 spade11+ 5+ card spades
1 ntBalanced (no 5/4 or 6 Major)
2 2 clubsStrong
2 2 diamonds10-13 5 card hearts 4 card spades
2 2 hearts10-13 6+ card hearts
2 2 spades10-13 6 card spades
2 nt20-21 nt
3 3 clubs7-10 6+ card clubs (non crap preempts)
3 3 diamonds7-10 6+ card diamonds (non crap preempts)
3 3 hearts7-10 6+ card hearts (non crap preempts)
3 3 spades7-10 6+ card spades (non crap preempts)
3 nt11-17 Solid 4 Major opening
4 4 clubs6-10 4hearts opening with hearts and a minor
4 4 diamonds6-10 4spades opening with spades and a minor
4 4 hearts6-10 Solo suit hearts
4 4 spades6-10 Solo suit spades

System Renze Jelle


5 card major gazillii, 2/1 GF, weak NT, 10-13 2openings

Twisted Swine

Escape Sequence after they double our 11-14 nt With a very weak 4333 it's getting a little tricky. You could Rdbl en Rdbl 2 again if it's doubled, or you could transfer to hearts All Rdbl's in any sequence are...
Bidding overview after weak NT

An easy overview on how to bid after a weak NT
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