System Summery
General approach and style
Natural, with weak NT
(semi) constructive but aggressive bidding
Could be weak in sandwich and third hand
Special bids that may require defense


3NT: Solid Major 10-15 HCP

Leads and Signals
Opening and subsequent leads
1 (singleton , doubleton, highest of a series with a honer) / 3 / 5
Low is on or even.
Generally attitude before count in partners suit (except after King lead), and count in opponents suit.
Lavinthal principles
Third hand: common bridge, openings could be (very) light
After weak NT pass -> transfers to a major could be with 0/2 HCP with 2+ card
In general doubles are takeout, except after partner has a defined range in
length and strength, like after a weak (or a 2M) opening
Doubles out of the blue at game level or above are also penalty and have tendency to ask for a specific / special lead
Defensive and Competitive Bidding
Overcalls in direct position
Constructive overcalls, near opening quality en some weaker with a 6 card
Could be little lighter after partner has passed
Overcalls in sandwitch
Could be light specially after a open pass
Dbl; 5 card highest remaining suit / 4 card lowest remaining suit
1 NT; 4 card highest remaining suit / 5 card lowest remaining suit
2 NT; 5-5
Rest is real even their suits
Jump overcalls

All other jumps are weak and 6+ card
Cue and 2NT overcalls
Cue: both highest suits, weak or strong, max 5 looser hand
2 NT: both lowest suits, weak or strong, max 5 looser hand
Responses: bid a know suit at any level is to play
Lowest remaining suit SI in lowest suit
Highest remaining suit SI in highest suit
After weak and mini NT (DOWN)
Pass: any 11-17
if they pass- > pass (let them have it); dbl (some points); 2x 6+ card to weak to defend.
If they bid double shows points, any else a good 5+ card
Dbl; any 0-5 / any 6-8 5+ card / any 18+
if they pass pass and see what happens; 2x 6+ card
if they XX pass and see what happens; 2x 6+ card (if xx shows points)




After strong NT
Landy / 2NT as random 2 suiter
After they double out weak NT (Twisted Swine)
Pass: forces to XX, either to play or run with

XX: forces to 2